mBODYed Learning


Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale

Sign up and submit your deposit by December 3rd and receive 30% off your first year of training.


The mBODYed Learning Teacher Mentoring Program is for anyone who is looking to achieve new levels in their teaching and performing.

We are now accepting applications for Cohort 5 beginning January 10, 2025. This is not your average online training program, where hundreds of people attend webinars. It is an individualized program designed on a mentor/apprenticing model. Space is limited to ensure small cohorts and adequate 1:1 time.

We combine the Alexander Technique and Body Mapping with current neuroscience, Somatics, Inclusion and Belonging, Mental Fitness, and Injury Prevention to provide a thorough, science-based training program to enhance your personal performance skills and teaching!

Study of the Alexander Technique can:

  • unlock your creative potential.

  • develop your awareness and attention.

  • help relieve stress and pain.

  • allow for new choices in your movement and in your responses to situations within your life.

Body Mapping:

● Allows more expressive communication in performance by assisting in understanding how habits and misunderstandings have interfered with the ability to play the instrument. Unlocking artistic freedom, getting out of the way of yourself.

● In combination with medical treatment and physical therapy, Body Mapping and Alexander Technique have been shown to assist with injury recovery and prevention.

● Deepens the understanding of the skeletal structure and how it provides support for movement.

● Increases awareness of how the parts of the body relate to the whole, and with this new, deeper understanding of the parts, how the whole body can move with greater ease and efficiency.

● Facilitates discussions of breathing, balance in sitting and standing, supporting the instrument, technique, embouchure, and articulation.

Classes meet online for the first year. Years 2 and 3 require in-person training to develop hands-on teaching skills.


The Program Explained…

Becoming mBODYed is a 3-year Training Program. To allow maximum flexibility, each year may be taken separately with individual certifications after each year.


Year 1:

We focus on the foundations of somatics, spending our time developing Integrated Attention and embodying the principles of Body Mapping.

Those enrolled receive:

  • UNLIMITED access to 1:1 Coaching (current cohort members usually request 2 coachings per month or more)

  • 2, 90-min cohort meetings per month

  • Lifetime access to mBODYed training manuals.

Additionally, all cohort members have free access to all mBODYed Retreats, and any special events or extra trainings offered throughout the year.

Year 1 ends with a certification to teach Body Mapping within your specific field of expertise. Additional training is required to become a Licensed Body Mapping Educator through ABME. This program prepares you for that process.



Year 2:

We focus on the principles of the Alexander Technique, embodying those principles in our performance and our teaching. We develop our awareness of the nervous system, learning to cultivate and maintain safe spaces for teaching and learning. We develop our visual acuity and hands-on teaching skills in all aspects of teaching.

Those enrolled receive:

  • UNLIMITED access to 1:1 Coaching (current cohort members usually request 2 coachings per month or more)

  • 2, 90-min cohort meetings per month

Year 2 ends with a certification to teach the principles of the Alexander Technique within your specific field of expertise. Additional training (year 3) is required to receive Certification to teach the Alexander Technique.


Year 3:

The final year of training is devoted to your personal development as a teacher of Becoming mBODYed. During this year, much time is spent in 1:1 Coaching, teaching observations and reflections, and developing your personal business skills to ensure your future success. Personal growth is in the Mental Fitness areas of Self-Mapping and Leveraging our Neuroplasticity for Habit Transformation.

Those enrolled receive:

  • UNLIMITED access to 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring (current cohort members usually request 2-4 hours of coaching per WEEK or more)

  • 2, 90-min cohort meetings per month

Year 3 completes your training in Becoming mBODYed and prepares you for the Sponsorship Process to become a Certified, Teaching Member of Alexander Technique International.


Your investment explained…

from Shawn - “Training costs $625 a month, for 12 months. Each month you receive a minimum of 5 hours of instruction. Remember, coaching is unlimited, so you can easily receive more! Each session is roughly $125 per hour, less than what we may pay for private lessons. My guarantee to you is cohort pricing doesn’t change. This price will stay with you through all three years of training. You will not incur any price increase.

The Becoming mBODYed Teacher Training Program is largely based in the modalities of the Alexander Technique and Body Mapping. I am known in both these communities and the music field for grounding these modalities in empirical science, and making the content easy to understand and directly applicable to one’s performance and teaching.

Additionally, I bring my experience as a critically acclaimed clarinetist, Somatic Trauma Educator, PAMA-certified Performing Arts Educator, Inclusion and Belonging expert, and entrepreneur, with nineteen years of professional teaching experience in the performing arts. You will learn something in each meeting that you can take on stage or into the studio and immediately put to use.

Becoming mBODYed is a significant investment in YOU! All this work is directed to you first; you embody the principles, and then you teach them. We didn’t arrive at this moment in our lives easily or without work. We won’t reach our potential or undo the tensions, pains, or traumas without work as well. The time it takes to learn and embody any mind-body work is measured by the body and the nervous system, not rotations around a clock. The more time you spend learning about yourself and all you are capable of, the better performer, teacher, and person you become.”


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Regular Cohort Instruction: The Cohort meets for 90 minutes, 2 times per month for content instruction, exploration, and discussion.

    Online Instructional Manuals: Content addresses the nervous system, attention, and the complete body of knowledge for Body Mapping balance and breathing.

    Coaching: Unlimited access to Shawn Copeland for private coachings in professional development, performance skills, and teaching skill development. Shawn uses a variety of skills in individual coachings which include Alexander Technique, Body Mapping, Somatic Trauma Work, Nervous System Work, PAMA Certified Performing Arts Injury Prevention Work, Leadership Work, and Inclusion and Belonging Work.

  • The mBODYed Teacher-Training is for performing artists. Teachers and performers alike, this program will change they way you think about performing and teaching.

  • Year 1: This program consists of 10, 90-minute, online training sessions; unlimited private, online lessons; leading to certification to use Body Mapping within your pedagogy.

    Year 2 & 3: Class Cohort meetings continue twice a month for 90 minutes. Trainees will learn and incorporate the principles of Alexander Technique and hands-on work both within their pedagogy. Those finishing year 3 will be ready to begin the Sponsoring process with Alexander Technique International. Additionally, trainees will deepen their knowledge of Body Mapping as it applies to all performers outside of their own area of speciality.

    All cohort members have unlimited access to private lessons, and free attendance at all mBODYed retreats, workshops, or special events.

    Cohort members are expected to read outside of class, and bring their explorations of the material to our sessions.

    Attendance at (at least) one mBODYed retreat is required to learn and develop your hands on skills for Alexander Tecnique teaching.

  • Classes meet online via ZOOM.

    Cohort 5 begins in September 16, 2024!

    Specific class times will be scheduled based on the availability of those registered.

    All classes will be recorded for cohort use only.

  • Annual Tuition is $7500.

    A $500.00 deposit is due upon sign up to reserve your seat.

    Generally, cohort members are invoiced for $584 monthly.

    You may pay in other installments such as twice, or three times a year. Simply let me know your preference.

    You may receive a 10% discount for paying for all three years at once. Please speak to me if you prefer this option.

  • Upon completion of year one, all cohort members will have the option to continue studying for an additional 1-2 years to prepare for the licensure process through the Assocation of Body Mapping Education and sponsoring through Alexander Technique International.

    This is a mentoring process where students are expected to direct their own learning with significant guidance and one-on-one interaction with faculty. Specific time for certification will vary from person to person.

  • Refunds will be determined on a case by case basis according to terms in the contract.


What people are saying about mBODYed…

The first year of mBODYed training with Shawn Copeland has been an incredible learning experience for me. I have gained valuable physical and practical knowledge, countless insights into my own practices, thinking, and proprioception, and a wealth of amazing tools for teaching. At the heart of Shawn’s mentorship is his unwavering commitment to creating deep, personal, unique body connections combined with a sincere trust of one’s instincts. I feel like he has shone a clear, bright light on a path I was already walking but was slowly feeling my way. My mBODYed work has translated into profoundly impactful teaching moments and deeply fulfilling performances- what a transformative gift for my body and soul!!
— Kirsten Yon, Professor of Violin, University of Houston
Regarding a recent performance: from someone who is recovering from focal dystonia. Using the techniques I have learned through mBODYed Teacher-Training, I had an incredibly successful performance with none of the tension and finger misfires that normally occur in my right hand. I am looking forward to the day that I can say that I am no longer affected by focal dystonia.
— Member of Cohort 3 - mBODYed Learning Teacher Training
After a few short months of the mBODYed training program, I have already had major breakthroughs in my musicianship. Many of these breakthroughs are mental and physical walls that go back as far as I remember. I am finding more joy then ever participating in the creation of music. I am extremely excited to continue this program, and I highly recommend it.
— Erik Stucky: Singer, Songwriter, Instrumentalist, The mBODYed Teacher-Training, Cohort 1