Universities Residencies and Faculty Training
Since the Fall of 2023, mBODYed has offered educational and training programs in Alexander Technique, Body Mapping, and mBODYed Learning to faculty and students.
On-site Training and Continuing Education
For your faculty interested in training to teach Alexander Technique and/or Body Mapping, mBODYed will be on-site, twice per semester. The first is a 2-day retreat, followed by a week long visit mid to late semester where we work directly with your faculty as they teach the material in the classroom or studio.
Faculty Instruction
All faculty participating in the mBODYed Learning training receive 14 private lessons a year. These are online and in-person when mBODYed is on-site.
Student Instruction
During the mid-semester on-site visit, mBODYed will present lectures, general and topic-driven workshops, performance coachings, master classes, and private lessons.
In addition to the subjects of Alexander Techniqe and Body Mapping, Dr. Copeland can speak about career development, entrepreneurship, wellness in the arts, injury prevention and recovery, performance anxiety, and pedagogy.