The body map is your self-representation in your nervous system. We learn them through our experiences; we are mapping as we discover how our bodies move and function. They are influenced by our education, background, culture, ethnicity, and our movement.
Our maps develop and change over time, just like our bodies. Sometimes these changes coincide, sometimes they do not. Often, with someone who has spent much time and energy developing an artistic craft, the map does not change with the body.
For artists especially, many of us do what we do because someone taught and encouraged us from a young age to work and develop our craft. We hear instructions differently as adults than we did as a child. We also hold the early mentors in high esteem. Thus, we hold onto these early perils of wisdom, turning them from simple instructions into pillars of a technique. What if you heard it wrong? What if you went too far? What if you took a metaphor as literal?
For a variety of reasons, our maps may not be serving us well.
Body Mapping is the intentional clarification and refinement of one’s body map to align with reality so that movement is freer and less restricted. When movement is freer, creativity is unlocked. Body Mapping is the application of scientific and medical knowledge of the body, in a clear and relative manner, to the movement of making music.
Body Mapping:
● Allows more expressive communication in performance by assisting in understanding how habits and misunderstandings have interfered with the ability to play the instrument. Unlocking artistic freedom, getting out of the way of yourself.
● In combination with medical treatment and physical therapy, Body Mapping and Alexander Technique have been shown to assist with injury recovery and prevention.
● Deepens the understanding of the skeletal structure and how it provides support for movement.
● Increases awareness of how the parts of the body relate to the whole, and with this new, deeper understanding of the parts, how the whole body can move with greater ease and efficiency.
● Facilitates discussions of breathing, balance in sitting and standing, supporting the instrument, technique, embouchure, and articulation.
Body Mapping was developed from a pedagogical need for teaching the Alexander Technique to large groups of musicians. When studying the Alexander Technique, there are many ways in which the teacher interacts with the student(s): hands-on guided movement, chair work, table work, constructive rest, groups, and working directly in performance. Through his many years of teaching the Alexander Technique at The Ohio State University, William Conable, Professor Emeritus (Cello) developed a process that allowed students to gain a deeper relationship with their bodies while working in a group setting.
For more information about Body Mapping, please visit The Association of Body Mapping Education.